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Our strategy

We work daily on the further improvement of care and the health of the population. Being on the forefront is not enough. Together with our partners we want to be trailblazers and take healthcare in the Netherlands further.

Our mission

Together we improve human health and create the healthcare of tomorrow.

Our vision

Together we create more value, because every human being counts.

With our Connecting Worlds strategy we give meaning to our mission and vision. We believe in connecting worlds that are often still separated. This is precisely where unexpected insights and trailblazing innovations arise. Within UMC Utrecht we bring the worlds of research , healthcareeducation  and valorization - our core tasks - together in order to train people in an inter-professional, multidisciplinary way based on the principles of The New Utrecht School . We concentrate on multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity as basis for working on complex issues and innovation. We are building up strong networks. International, national, and regional. And we bring focus to areas in which can make a significant contribution to healthcare and society.

Accelerating on content

Our focal points add focus to our profile and our strategic efforts. These are the areas in which we excel in healthcare, research, and education:

UMC Utrecht also has a large number of expertise centers in these fields . Patients and medical professionals know that for these they have to be with us. 

Accelerating on content

We are accelerating our strategy by focusing specifically on content within these focal points. These ‘accelerators’ concern the following seven areas:

Healthy Living

We focus on furthering the health of people in general but also look at the wishes and needs of the individual by focusing on the prevention of diseases and the furthering of individual healthcare, and the individualization of diagnostics, prediction, and treatment.

Biofabrication & disease modelling

Combining technology and biology, we design (regenerative) treatment strategies that facilitate the body’s own capacity to recover. We do this based on insights in the underlying mechanisms of the diseases on which we focus.

Molecular science & therapy

We develop effective therapies for diseases by developing a better understanding of these on a molecular and cellular level. Through fundamental research, we create innovative disease models and measurement methods (in combination with AI).

Image guided Interventions

Optical-, X-ray-, and in particular MRI-guided interventions (operating without cutting) are playing an increasingly prominent role in our focal points.

Integral complex care for children

Together with the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the Princess Máxima Center, we are focusing on integral complex care for children to unravel complex disorders and improve treatment and prevention.

Acute complex care

UMC Utrecht provides acute complex care via the Major Incidents Hospital together with the Central Military Hospital and the Ministry of Defense . In this we are striving towards a state-of-the-art accident and emergency service, operating facilities, and intensive care.

The New Utrecht School

With our innovative education and updated programs we prepare our students in the best possible way for the healthcare of the future. In our training and follow-up training programs we pay extra attention to inter-professional learning and multidisciplinary education with an inclusive and diverse learning environment. We call this The New Utrecht School . For this we work closely with Utrecht University and our other partners in the TU/e, WUR, UU and UMC Utrecht Knowledge Alliance .