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UMC Utrecht in society: our core tasks

Our mission is to improve human health and create the health care of the future together. To do this, we focus on our three core tasks:

Patient care

We offer patients qualitative and efficient care based on the most recent insights, within our care profile. This includes care for which we have a statutory task, such as level 1 trauma care and expertise centers, care within our six focal points , and complex care (such as multi-specialties or multi-diagnostics). Our principle is that a patient should get treatment there where it is best for them. Our patients have a steering role in their treatment, and experience our people-centered involvement.


We conduct scientific research where new links can be found between our basic research and more applied and clinical research. Our research focuses on six multidisciplinary programs (focal points ), in which care is also integrated, to create the health care of the future. In this way, we ensure that new discoveries and knowledge can rapidly benefit patient and citizens. An important starting point for our research are the questions asked by our patients and society


We provide education to our students and (bio-)medical researchers, doctors, nurses, and other care providers. In this way, we train top professionals who contribute to the development of knowledge in and for health care; for today and tomorrow. We involve our students and patients in the development of our education. We offer deployment opportunities and a climate of ongoing renewal.