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Open Science

One of the guiding principles of research at UMC Utrecht is the transition towards Open Science. Open Science is a new way of doing science, where the entire research process - from prioritizing to the publication of results - is made public and transparent, and where we involve society as much as possible in all phases of a study.

Open Access scientific publications

An important aspect within Open Science is the free Open Access publishing of scientific publications. Hereby scientific results from our research is made accessible for everyone online , and we can contribute to the maximum dissemination thereof. In 2021 we made a number of Open Access publications for each division visible on the focus dashboard of UMC Utrecht. In 2021 we published a total of 79% of our scientific publications with Open Access .

Accessible research data

We also do our utmost to make research data accessible using FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable). In 2021 we made it possible for anyone to search for and request datasets of UMC Utrecht researchers via our website .

Recognition and Appreciation

The transition to Open Science goes with an accompanying assessment system for our scientists: Recognition and Appreciation. This stimulates excellence in each core domain and does justice to the independence and the individual qualities and ambitions of scientists as well as team achievements. It puts the accent on the quality of work rather than quantitative results, and stimulates all aspects of Open Science and academic leadership. UMC Utrecht is one of the forerunners in giving wider appreciation to researchers.

Recognition and Appreciation features prominently in our talent program called ‘Research Career Development’<link naar hoofdstuk onze medewerkers waar hier meer info over staat>, of which the first course started in 2021. We have used a broad qualification portfolio to appoint professors and associate professors in 2021. Based on this portfolio, 21 new associate professors were appointed in 2021.

Appointment of clinical scientists

To promote translational research (translating fundamental research into practice) within UMC Utrecht so that innovations can be developed and implemented and social impact can be created, we appointed eighteen clinical scientists at the end of 2021. These clinical scientists are healthcare professionals with an interest and proven expertise in conducting scientific research. In the next five years they are guaranteed to spend 40% of their time on research, in addition to their clinical tasks.