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Healthcare Governance Code and other codes of conduct

The UMC Utrecht Executive Board and Supervisory Board adhere to the principles of the new Healthcare Governance Code of 2022 that came into force on January 1, 2022, as well as those of the previous Healthcare Governance Code of 2017. Because good management and good supervision are of great importance to guarantee good care.

The Healthcare Governance Code is based on seven principles, which contribute to ensuring good care, reaching the community goals of healthcare institutions, and community trust. The principles furthermore serve as guidelines regarding rules, to leave more room for dialog rather than ‘ticking off’ little rules as in the past. The code focuses in particular on culture and behavior, values and standards, and participation and dialog. These are all aspects that keep changing and that therefore require ongoing attention.

At UMC Utrecht we also continue to focus on culture and behavior, values and standards, and employee participation and dialog. For example via our leadership program Connecting Leaders , dialog with patients , our employee-participation bodies , our ombudsman and confidential matters , and our work-experience survey in which we ask employees about their experiences, also in these areas.

Other codes on conduct

Besides the Healthcare Governance Code, we also look at:

Internal codes of conduct:

    • the Integrity Code of Conduct (see 10.3 Integrity)

    • the UMC Utrecht Research Code (see 10.3 Integrity)

    • the Code of Conduct for dealing with ICT and data

    • the Code of Conduct for Dealing responsibly with body material for scientific research (Federa/UMC Utrecht)

Codes of Conduct in Healthcare:

    • the Dutch Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity of 2018

    • the Code of Conduct for Health Research

    • the Code of Conduct for Electronic Data Exchange in Health Care

    • the Code of Conduct for Transparency regarding Medical Incidents and Medical Accountability (GOMA)

    • the European Code of Transparency (EFPIA)

    • the Code of Conduct in Drug Advertising (CGR)

    • The Code of Conduct for Medical Equipment (GMH)