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Our strategic KPIs

Patient satisfaction

Our patients are consistently satisfied with the care that we deliver. Outpatients in 2022, as in 2021, rate us with an average score of 8.7. Thanks to our efforts and commitment, we are therefore scoring above our target of 8.4. We are obviously happy about this. And we are proud of our colleagues to have achieved this result together.

95% of our patients feel that there is enough or ample room for sharing their own knowledge and experience with caregivers at UMC Utrecht. In this we are achieving the target we have set for ourselves. On the other hand, 78% of our patients are satisfied with the information on the side effects of medication that they receive from us. This is only slightly lower than our target of 80%. To ensure that the general practitioner can continue the treatment at home after a patient has been discharged from our hospital, we want to send a discharge report to the GP within 24 hours in 90% of all transfers to home care. In 2022 we achieved a score of 62%. Through more detailed analyses we have identified actions with which we can make further significant improvements in 2023. An important objective is lastly to provide patients with care at home as much as possible. Our goal is therefore to do 50% of outpatient repeat consultations remotely. In 2022, we reached 45.66%.

Employee satisfaction

In 2022, an average 48.7% of our colleagues at UMC Utrecht rated their job satisfaction with 8 or more. This is slightly down from 2021 (49.7%), and below our target of 55%. We are naturally striving to bring employee satisfaction to the desired level as fast as we can.

Nevertheless, 83% of our staff indicate that they take pleasure in their work (target 85%). We are of course happy about this. Absenteeism unfortunately increased in 2022 to 6.33% (5.57% in 2021) and is higher than our target of 4.5%. We realize that the corona-virus pandemic took a heavy toll on many colleagues and that it still continues to have an impact. It is obvious that the high absentee rate is related to COVID-19 and the work pressure that was felt. As in previous years, we continued in 2022 to focus on (psychosocial) support and the spirit of our colleagues, and it will remain an important area of concern in the coming years. We are proud of all our colleagues’ efforts to maintain the high level of care that we provide for our patients and to work on the healthcare of tomorrow. Another area in which we are working on improvement is support for our colleagues in their development. Because offering development opportunities is an important aspect of being a good place to work.we concluded 34% development interviews in 2022, while our target is 75%.

Student satisfaction

Our students are predominantly quite satisfied with our educational offering. For 16.7% of our courses, more than 55% of the students indicate that they are very satisfied with the course as a whole. In this regard we are well above our target of 11%. We are of course very happy about this assessment, especially since our students had a difficult period during the COVID-19 pandemic of which the impact is still noticeable.

For 87% of the courses, 80% or more of the students indicate that they are satisfied or very satisfied with the course as a whole. Our target is 100%, but this is mainly in order to ensure that we pursue the right dialog between us. Our aim is always to have all courses on or above the desired level. With innovations in education such as new courses or new ways of teaching, this is however not always possible in equal measures. In terms of professional training for lecturers, we are still just below target:79% of our lecturers had a Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) in 2022 (our target is 85%).  However we are following an upward trend that started in the past two years. In terms of diversity and inclusiveness, we are scoring satisfactorily. 58% of our lecturers and trainers have followed the basic training in diversity and inclusiveness (our target is 60%).

Impact of research

In 2022 our fund-raising capacity for research was € 100 million. This means that we did not reach our target of € 112 million. In 2022 UMC Utrecht introduced a different method for administrating fund-raising capacity, which must still be assessed and developed further. This change most likely led to a deviation in fund-raising capacity compared to previous years. Besides, we were not yet able to process a number of large projects (for instance several in the National Growth Fund that received subsidies) in the fund-raising capacity of 2022, since formal grants handled up till now had not yet gone through at the time of registration. In addition, the stream of COVID-related income for research had declined, which brought a further decrease in fund-raising capacity compared to 2020 and 2021.

In 2022 we published a total of 85% of our scientific publications in Open Access, whereby we exceeded our annual target which is an increase of 5%. Lastly, in 2022 we conducted nearly all of our research within our six focal points.


UMC Utrecht is financially sound. Our 1.3% profit is above our current long-term policy of 1%. Realizing a positive result and adding the result to our equity capital is in line with our goal and ambition to apply resources for our primary processes and to maintain the value of our enterprise. Considering the high inflation at the moment and the extensive investments in accommodation and ICT, we may reassess the target of 1% and adjust it if necessary. In this respect, we consider the realized result as appropriate.

The internal calculation of healthcare provided versus agreements made is -/- € 1.4 million.The main reason for this is the lack of OR availability. To improve this, we are working on the one hand on reducing absenteeism, and on the other hand we are making use of external resources to increase OR capacity.

The annual result for all divisions and departments combined is negative on balance. The negative prognosis is among other reasons due to capacity issues caused by vacancies and a high absentee rate. The other financial effects follow from the (still) insufficient realization of the retrenchment measures from the 2022 management contracts and transformation plans. Harmonization projects also require more time. Given the worsening financial outlook expected in the coming years, it is very important to adjust these results.

The percentage of days on which the number of available emergency beds had a green code in 2022 was 52%. We therefore did not reach our target of 75% in this regard.In 2022 the consequences of covid were still visible, with peaks in patient intake and extra absenteeism among colleagues. This led to fewer available beds and therefore a score below the target. In order to further improve the number of available beds for emergency intakes, we established a package of measures in the fall of 2022.