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Our strategic KPI’s

Patient satisfaction

Our patients are satisfied with the care we deliver. To keep challenging ourselves, we raised our target in 2023 from an average 8.4 in 2022 to 8.6. In 2023 we scored 8.7 for our outpatients which is above our target, while for our inpatients our score was on target (8.6). Naturally we are happy with these scores and proud or all our colleagues for having achieved this result together.

Because we find it important for our patients to feel heard, we added a new KPI in 2023. We have set ourselves the goal that at least 60% of our patients should feel that they are heard. We attained 54%, which is a good start but at the same time makes us realize that more effort is still needed in this regard. Another target for us to ensure that for 90% of all patients who are discharged from our hospital, a discharge report is sent to the general practitioner within 24 hours. Because we find it important for the general practitioner to be able to continue as efficiently as possible with home care following the patient’s discharge. In 2023 we achieved a score of 73%. This is a great improvement from the 62% in 2022 that still left room for improvement in 2024. Lastly, our aim is to provide as much care as possible at patients’ homes. We therefore want to perform 50% of all outpatient repeat consultations remotely. We attained 48% in 2023 (45.6% in 2022).

Student satisfaction

Our students are predominantly quite satisfied with our educational offering. For 24% of our courses, more than 55% of the students indicate that they are very satisfied with the course as a whole (16,7% in 2022). In this regard we are well above our target of 15%. Naturally we are very happy about this assessment.

For 88% of the courses, 80% or more of the students indicate that they are satisfied or very satisfied with the course as a whole (87% in 2022). Our target is 100%, but this is mainly in order to ensure that we pursue the right dialog between us.Our aim is always to have all courses on or above the desired level. With innovations in education such as new courses or new ways of teaching, this is however not always possible in equal measures. For the professionalization of lecturers in 2023 we scored above our target that 85% should have a basic teaching qualification (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs or BKO), with 87% having a BKO in 2023. This is a good improvement on 2022, where we scored only 78%. In the areas of diversity and inclusiveness we also progressed well and scored above our target. 70% of our lecturers and trainers have followed the basic training in diversity and inclusiveness (58% in 2022). Our target is 60%.

Employee satisfaction

In 2023, 47.2% of our colleagues rated working at UMC Utrecht with a score of 8 or more. This is slightly down from 2022 (48.7%), and a bit below our target of 55%. We are naturally striving to bring employee satisfaction up to the desired level as fast as we can. Important aspects that demand our attention here include support for colleagues regarding vitality and sustainable employability . And also for their development .

Sick leave in 2023 decreased from 6.3% to 5.7%. We are happy about this, but the percentage of sick leave in 2023 was still much higher than our target (4.9%). In the coming years, supporting our colleagues to reduce sick leave will therefore also remain an important issue. We are proud of all our colleagues’ efforts to maintain the high level of care that we provide for our patients and to work on the healthcare of tomorrow.

Providing scope for development is an important aspect of being a good place to work. In 2023, 70.7% of our colleagues indicated that they were positive about the development opportunities that UMC Utrecht offered. This percentage is slightly higher than in 2022 (698%), but below our target of 72%. The number of finalized development interviews in 2023 was 41% which is below our target of 75%. To establish these interviews we make use of the Performance & Goals (P&G) system. The system is not experienced as being user-friendly which is why we took certain steps in 2023 to simplify it. At the end of 2023 we also created the possibility to upload a Word document in the P&G system, which means that employees and managers can now work with a Word document. We expect that these adjustments will help to push up the number of completed development interviews.

Impact or research

In 2023 our fund-raising capacity for research was € 133 million (100 million in 2022). This means that we exceeded our target of € 112 million. The amount fluctuates from one year to the next as we are dependent in this regard on external research-funding opportunities. Naturally we are very happy about this significant amount in 2023, which has enabled our researchers to conduct unique research  in the interest of our patients and of society. In 2023, a total of 84% of our scientific publications were published with Open Access (85% in 2022). With a percentage of Open Access articles that remain more or less stable, we alas did not reach our target of an annual 5% increase. Many scientists continue to publish a certain proportion of their articles in ‘closed’ journals of commercial publishers. This shows that the transition towards 100% Open Access will also require a publicly financed publication infrastructure.


UMC Utrecht is financially sound. Our returns of 4.6% in 2023 were higher than our current long-term target of 1% and our consolidated result in 2022 (1.3%). This result mainly came from incidental income. Compared to the budget therefore, the following incidental income was realized: availability contribution from the Ministry of Health for ICU capacity € 10.8 million and COVID-19-related special revenues from previous years € 10.8 million. In addition, our valorization activities also brought an incidentally higher income of € 8.9 million in shareholdings particularly with the sale of shares in Julius Clinical Research B.V.

The internal calculation of healthcare provided versus agreements made is -1.3 million. This means that we did not reach our target of 0. The slight underproduction in 2023 can mainly be explained by a lower availability of ORs due to the lack of OR assistants and anesthesia nurses.

The year result of all divisions and departments together was 0.3 million in 2023. This is a considerable improvement on the € -7.1 million in 2022 and is above our target of € 0. Division results rose in 2023 because divisions managed to work more efficiently in terms of their balance. A few divisions have a negative result but this is compensated for by divisions with a positive result. The percentage of days on which the number of available emergency beds had a green code in 2022 was 52%. At the end of 2022 we took a package of measures to improve this. We also raised our target in 2023 from 75% to 95%. At 94% we have not yet reached this target. We are nevertheless pleased with the great improvements we have made in this regard.