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Management and structure

UMC Utrecht has an Executive Board with a chair, a dean/vice-chair, and two members (one for finance, buildings and operations, and one for operational control). The Board members jointly ensure the integral implementation of the policy on healthcare, research, and education. In addition, a Supervisory Board is in charge of overseeing everything that happens at UMC Utrecht. The tasks and competencies of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board are defined in the administrative regulations. Within the Executive Board, we have established a portfolio allocation.


    • General UMC Utrecht-wide strategy 

    • Strategy regarding healthcare and healthcare innovation 

    • Strategic collaborations 

    • Communication 

    • HRM policy 

    • Medical continuation courses

  • OR/Client Council/Staff Assembly/VAR 


  • Education and research

  • Academic cooperation

  • Internationalization of research and education

  • Valorization

  • Focal points

  • Education & Research Council and Student Representative Council

Member for finance, buildings and operations

  • Finance & Information Technology

  • Operations

  • Facilities

  • Procurement

  • Sustainability

  • ICT

Member for operational control

  • Inter-division operational affairs such as capacity, planning, quality, patient safety, work on focal points, and operational aspects of collaboration with third parties

  • Capacity management

  • Quality & Safety

  • Digital transformation

Legal structure

University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) is a legal entity governed by public law under the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Research (WHW).

All activities at UMC Utrecht related to the commercialization of patentable inventions and the creation of spin-off companies fall under UMC Utrecht Holding B.V. UMC Utrecht Holding B.V. pioneers innovation and knowledge valorization through patent control, the licensing of knowledge or participation in BVs where knowledge is developed further, and provides services (care-related innovations that do not involve any patents or licenses). UMC Utrecht is the sole owner of UMC Utrecht Holding B.V.

The public-law entity UMC Utrecht is accredited under the Care Institutions Accreditation Act (Wet toelating zorginstellingen, WTZi) and applies the Governance code for Healthcare. UMC Utrecht is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under KvK number 30244197 and company number 000023527250.

Management philosophy

The management philosophy of UMC Utrecht is based on three lines of responsibility:

  1. Divisions and departments are according to the first line wholly responsible for their own operational process and risk control. Through self-monitoring they supervise how effectively they are doing it with regard to policy and strategic frameworks.

  2. Directorates are in the second line responsible, together with healthcare professionals, for taking the strategic goals of UMC Utrecht, operational risks and laws and regulations that apply to their – content supporting – field, and translating it into policy. The focal points do this in the field of health care, research and education. In coordination with the divisions, they issue a supported proposal that is submitted to the Executive Board for decision. Departments and focal points advise/facilitate the first line in the implementation of policy and monitor the organization-wide execution thereof. The second line monitors implementation and reports this to the first line, including the Executive Board.

  3. The Executive Board is responsible for the strategy of the organization and is wholly responsible for business operations, compliance with laws and regulations and standards, and the realization of the strategic goals. The Executive Board is supported in this by an internal audit section that, based on an annually drafted audit plan, tests whether risks in the organization are sufficiently controlled, and where there may be areas for improvement.

A number of UMC Utrecht-wide consultation structures facilitate and structure the coordination between division managers, board members, focal-point chairs, and members of the Executive Board: Strategic Consultation, Operational UMC Utrecht Consultation, Business Operations Consultation, Education Consultation, and Research Consultation.

Executive board

Prof. dr. M.M.E. (Margriet) Schneider, chair

Margriet Schneider (1959) became Chair of the Executive Board of UMC Utrecht in November 2015. In this capacity she has given shape to the renewal of UMC Utrecht. She is a Professor of Internal Medicine at Utrecht University (UU). 

Margriet Schneider held the following additional positions in 2023:

  • Vice Chair (until June 1, 2023) NFU (unremunerated, position-related)

  • Health Hub Utrecht ambassador (unremunerated, position-related)

  • Director of Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (unremunerated, work-related)

  • Chair of Bestuurstafel Gezond Utrecht (unremunerated, position-related)

  • Chair of ROAZ Midden-Nederland (unremunerated, position-related)

  • Board member of Oncomid (unremunerated, position-related)

Prof. dr. A.W. (Arno) Hoes, Dean and Vice Chair

Prof. Arno Hoes (1958) has been Dean and Vice-Chair of the Executive Board of UMC Utrecht since June 1, 2019. Arno Hoes is Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and General Practice at Utrecht University and was Division Chair of the currently Chair of the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care of the UMC Utrecht until June 1, 2019.

In 2023, Arno Hoes held the following additional positions

  • Chair of the steering group cluster cardiovascular risk management, Dutch Federation of Medical Specialists (FMS) (unremunerated, work-related)

  • Member of the advisory commission, Dutch Association for Epidemiology (VvE) (unremunerated, work-related)

  • Chair of the Supervisory Board, DCVA (Dutch Cardiovascular Association) unremunerated, work-related)

  • Member of the Heart Failure Guidelines Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology (unremunerated, work-related)

  • Member of the Supervisory Board of the Netherlands Center for One Health (unremunerated, work-related)

  • Member of the Supervisory Board of Utrecht Holdings (unremunerated, position-related)

  • Chair of the Supervisory Board, European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (ECRAID) (unremunerated, work-related)

  • Chair of the Supervisory Board, anDREa B.V. (digital research environment) (unremunerated, work-related)

  • Member of the editorial board, European Journal of Heart Failure (unremunerated, work-related)

  • Member of the ESC Heart Failure editorial board (unremunerated, work-related)

Mr. J.W.R. (Remco) van Lunteren, member of the Executive Board

Remco van Lunteren joined the UMC Utrecht Executive Board on November 1, 2021 as Chief Operations Officer. 

Remco Van Lunteren held the following additional positions in 2023:

  • Member of the Supervisory Board of A15 Apotheek (unremunerated, position-related)

  • Member of the Supervisory Board of Utrecht Science Park (unremunerated, qualitate qua)

  • Chair of the Supervisory Board, PALLAS Foundation & NRG Foundation (since September 2023, remunerated, work-related)

  • Vice-chair of the Supervisory Board, PALLAS Foundation & NRG Foundation (until September 2023, remunerated, work-related)

  • Vice-chair Executive Board, International Franz Liszt Competition (until April 2023, unremunerated)

  • Chair of the Supervisory Board of Speelklok Museum (unremunerated)

  • Chair of the Association of Former Members of the Utrecht Provincial Council (unremunerated)

Ms. J.C.E. (Josefien) Kursten, member of the Executive Board

Josefien Kursten (1973) became a member of the Executive Board of UMC Utrecht on January 1, 2022. 

Josefien Kursten held the following additional positions in 2023:

  • Acceleration Board in Healthcare (unremunerated, position related)

  • General Board member Vereniging Samenwerkingsverband Uithofbeheer (unremunerated, position-related)

  • Member of the Council of Members, SURF (unremunerated, position-related)

  • Board member, DHD (unremunerated, position-related)

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is in charge of continuously monitoring everything that happens at UMC Utrecht, which includes supervising compliance with laws, rules, guidelines, instructions and regulations that apply to UMC Utrecht. These tasks and competencies are described in more detail in the administrative regulations.

Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the Minister of Education, Culture and Science (OC&W). The Supervisory Board draws up a general profile for its composition, with attention to expertise, skills and diversity.

Six committees advise the Supervisory Board in their respective fields and help the Board prepare for its decision-making tasks. The Supervisory Board is responsible for decision-making. The six committees are:

  • the Audit committee

  • the Quality of Care and Patient Safety committee

  • the Education and Research committee

  • the Governance and HR committee

  • the Defense committee

  • Buildings committee

The composition of the Supervisory Board was modified in 2023. On June 1, 2023 Henk Broeders became the new Chair of the Supervisory Board of UMC Utrecht. He was appointed in this capacity by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science He has taken over from Caroline Princen who was member of the Supervisory Board since March 1, 2014 and Chair since June 1, 2018. In addition to being Chair of the Supervisory Board, Henk is also a member of the Defense committee. In addition, Monique Maarsen joined the Supervisory Board on September 1, 2023. She is Chair of the Buildings committee and a member of the Audit Committee.

The composition of the UMC Utrecht Supervisory Board in 2023 was as follows:

Mr. H.M.T. (Henk) Broeders, Chair (first term, ending 06-01-2027)

  • Member of the Defense Comittee

Previous main position: senior partner McKinsey & Company

Henk Broeders holds the following additional positions:

  • Vice Chair, Supervisory Board, PGGM 

  • Member of the Supervisory Board, Salvation Army Foundation Wellbeing & Healthcare/Youth protection and Reclassification 

  • Chair, Stichting Steun Amsterdam UMC Alzheimer Centrum 

  • Chair, Stichting Hanarth Fonds 

  • Member of the Advisory Board, 

  • Member of the Advisory Board, ABOARD consortium 

  • Member of the investors’ advisory committee, Aescap

  • Chair of the Supervisory Board, Stater NV (until May 31, 2023)

  • Member of the Supervisory Board, Alexander Monro Hospital (until May 31, 2023)

  • Member of the Advisory Board, Stichting Zorg na Werk in Coronazorg (ZWiC) (until June 30, 2023)

  • External advisor McKinsey & Company (until December 15, 2023)

Prof. M. (Marianne) de Visser, Vice Chair (second term, ending 07-01-2024)

  • Chair, Quality and Safety committee

  • Member of the Education and Research committee

Former primary posts: Neurologist and former Chair of the Outpatient Division of Amsterdam University Medical Center, and Emeritus Professor of Neuromuscular Diseases at the University of Amsterdam.

Marianne de Visser holds the following additional positions:

  • Member of the Supervisory Board, Leyden Academy

  • Member of the Supervisory Board, Center for Human Drug Research

  • Chair of the Board, Interest Group for Chronic Respiratory Support (VSCA)

  • Board member, Genetic Engineering Committee

  • Chair of the Advisory Board, Wetenschap en Innovatie Hersenstichting

  • Chair of the Board, Erfo Center (per December 2023)

Mr. D. (Dave) del Canho, general member (first term, ending 05-01-2026)

  • Chair of the Audit committee

  • Member of the Accomodations committee

Primary post: Managing partner at Del Canho & Engelfriet B.V.

Dave del Canho holds the following additional positions:

  • Member of the Supervisory Board, Blue Sky Group

  • Board member, Foundation Drs. Cor van Zadelhoff Fund

  • Member of the Supervisory Board, Verzetsmuseum (Dutch Resistance Museum)

  • Chair of the Board, WKZ Fund

  • Ambassador for the National Holocaust Museum

Mr. A.H.P. (Aloys) Kregting MBA, general member (second term, ending 12-01-2024)

  • Member of the Audit Committee

  • Chair of the Governance and HR committee

Primary post: Senior Vice President Global Enabling Services at ASML

Aloys Kregting holds the following additional position:

  • Member of the supervisory board, Volksbank

Mr. J.H. (Han) van Gelder, general member (first term, ending 10-1-2024)

  • Chair of the Defense Commitee

Primary post: Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Finance (until September 16, 2023)

Prof. B.A.M. (Anne-Mei) The, general member (first term, ending 5-31-2025)

  • Chair of the Education and Research committee

  • Member of the Quality of Care and Patient Safety committee

Primary positions:

  • Instigator and owner Tao of Care B.V.

  • Co-instigator and owner of Dementie achter de voordeur B.V. (until July 2023)

  • Endowed professor of Longterm Care and Social Approach to Dementia, with a special focus on diversity, VU

  • Advisor to Minister Ursell Arends of Transport, Integrity, Nature and the Elderly, Aruba (since April 2023)

Anne-Mei The holds the following additional positions:

  • Regent RCOAK (Rooms Catholyck Oude Armenkantoor Foundation), an equity fund

  • Member of the Supervisory Board, In mijn buurt Foundation

MS (Monique) Maarsen, general member (first term, ending 09-01-2027)

  • Chair of the Accomodations committee

  • Member of the Audit Committee

Primary position: General Manager, Maarsen Group

Monique Maarsen holds the following additional positions:

  • Board member, Carré Fund

  • Supervisory board member, SADC NV

  • Board member, Het Jeroen Pithuis Foundation

  • Netherlands Committee Member Human Rights Watch

  • Member of the recommendation committee, Artsen voor Kinderen foundation

  • Board member, Koninklijke Hollandse Wetenschap Maatschappij (KHWM)

Activities of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board was briefed in 2023 on developments at UMC Utrecht and on the implementation of its policy.

In 2023, the Supervisory Board organized supervision through webinars, consultations with the Executive Board and employee representatives, newsletters, team-building, topic discussions, work visits, various reports, and a self-appraisal. The Chair of the Supervisory Board moreover participates in Chair discussions of the joint Supervisory Boards of UMCs, which take place twice a year.

The Supervisory Board also undertook various other activities in 2023, including:

  • Six times a regular meeting with the Executive Board.

  • Attendance of the committee meetings of the Supervisory Board.

  • Twice in consultation with the Works Council and twice in consultation with the Client Council.

  • In the scope of onboarding of the new chair and one new member, introductory talks were held, work visits were conducted, and a master class was presented.

  • Attendance of a digital week-start, participation in digital tracers, and in-depth theme events.

  • The (new) chair attended the annual disaster exercise at the Major Incidents hospital.