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Talent development

At UMC Utrecht, growing in knowledge, skills, and sustainable employability is naturally important. We support our colleagues for instance with our digital portal LEV (‘Loopbaanontwikkeling en Vitaliteit’ or ‘career development and vitality’). 2,254 employees made use of the LEV offer in 2023. We also offer a wide range of training courses in personal strength and leadership, communication, digital skills, and productivity. In 2023 there were 7,634 digital lesson visits.

Development of highly talented academics

In 2023, a total of 97 talented academics with a research or education profile started with one of the following talent programs to help them build and further their career and develop a broad network:

  • The PhD Boost Program, aimed at PhD students in the second or third year of their dissertation.

  • The Research Career Development Program, for post-docs and UDs/Assistant Professors who can take a next step within two years.

  • The UHD Program, for UHDs/Associate Professors who can take the next step within two years.

  • The New Professor Program, for Professors in the first five years of their appointment.

In 2023 the career profiles in the scope of Recognize & Appreciate were formally defined. We now use these as a standard both with the UHD/Associate Professor appointment round and the Qualification portfolios for appointment procedures for new chairs.