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Cooperation with patients in education

To reinforce and improve our education, we make use of patients’ unique expertise based on their experience. Patient-lecturers now give lectures in various courses. These active and involved groups of patient-lecturers grew to 14 in 2023. In November 2023 for the first time six medical students with chronic conditions - ‘medical dual talents’ - gave guest lectures in the 2nd year of the bachelor in Medicine. The reactions from fellow students and lecturers were very positive. We are definitely continuing with the deployment of these medical dual talents in 2024. Patients are furthermore closely involved in the development of education. In 2023 we assembled a focus group of patients for the overhaul of the Medical curriculum. Patients were represented both in the bachelor and the master’s curriculum-overhaul commission. For this we put together a separate focus group of patients.

In 2023 we recorded twelve videos for our Pharmacotheraphy learning line, in which patients share their experiences in the taking of medication. These videos are used in education for the first year of Medicine. Students indicate that they have gained more insight in what the taking of medication means to the patient. In 2024 we shall also be using these videos for the Pharmacy and Care, Health and Society training programs. Finally, we have extended the Patient Participation learning line to the entire master’s program in Clinical Health Sciences. In this learning line, students are trained to take the patient perspective into consideration in scientific research.