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Our research for the healthcare of tomorrow

To improve people’s health and create the healthcare of tomorrow, our research staff work together with our partners and patients on multidisciplinary studies. Patients’ demands is of course our point of departure. We strive to achieve the highest possible quality and impact for patients and society.

Our research in figures

More sustainable laboratories

In our research we look at sustainability, both in the topics on our research agenda and in terms of making our research as such more sustainable.

In 2023 for instance we joined LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework), and UMC Utrecht employees contributed to putting this initiative from the United Kingdom on the map in the Netherlands as well. Laboratories use a lot of energy and commodities. Through LEAF we have been making our labs more sustainable and have reduced our CO₂ to 10%. In 2023 more than 35 research groups and 17 lab units at UMC Utrecht with a zero measurement mapped their equipment, energy consumption, and waste. This has earned us a bronze certificate as a first step to becoming more sustainable. Actions will follow In 2024 to continue reducing CO₂ emissions.