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Diversity and inclusiveness in research

At UMC Utrecht, we believe it is important for our researchers to take the diversity of the patient population into account in their research before and during the study. Knowing for whom research findings are applicable or not, and what differences there are in disease profiles and treatments between populations, are prerequisites for good research and good care. This is also increasingly essential for the funding of research.

Our Gender Equality Plan helps us to create a diverse and inclusive research culture and to promote inclusive and diverse research. This is a living document. With the steps that we have taken in recent years and the expected developments in this field from the European Commission, we shall be updating the plan in 2024. With this we are also expanding the scope of the document to address not only gender, but also other subjects that promote a diverse and inclusive research environment and diverse and inclusive research.

In 2023 we reinforced the necessary infrastructure to promote diversity and inclusiveness in research. We have for instance engaged in collaborations with other people and groups within our organization, such as the Graduate Council , the Young Academy , and This is Us

Read more about diversity and inclusiveness at UMC Utrecht.

Other activities in 2023 were:

A diverse and inclusive research culture

In 2023 we undertook various activities to increase awareness among employees of our goals and the need for diverse and inclusive research, and to create a diverse and inclusive research culture. In March for instance we organized a panel discussion on social safety in our research community. We have also started with a survey on the question of what researchers experience as causes for the stagnation of growth in the number of female researchers. In 2024 we are actively going to try and lower these thresholds.

Inclusive and diverse research

In October, in collaboration with DiversiUnity we organized a week-long series of workshops, training and events for researchers. We stood still on the importance of diversity and inclusiveness at all levels and stages of research. Researchers for instance worked on assignments related to diversity and inclusiveness in research proposals, the use of diversity and inclusiveness to improve research strategy, and support for international and multicultural research teams.

In 2023 we furthermore added information on diversity on the research section of our intranet. We are hereby giving diversity and inclusiveness a central place as a standard part of planning and doing good research. In 2024 we are going to enrich our quality textbook  with guidelines for diversity and inclusiveness in the design and execution of research. Preparations for this were done in 2023.